Photofeeler Attractive


You might be biased when selecting your own photos, and your selections most likely aren't the photos that women will find most attractive. Using a tool like Photofeeler allows you to test the success of your Tinder photos, before you ever upload them onto your Tinder profile. You can use Photofeeler for other dating platforms as well. Sep 01, 2018 And so we at Photofeeler can’t neglect to address what it means to have characteristics that are considered attractive or unattractive. Unattainable standards of attractiveness have dominated for a long time, but from where we stand, we think the future looks better. Know for certain how you’re coming across in pictures with Photofeeler. What exactly is photo-feeler and how does it work. I thought that was a tool for like linkedIn. You post a photo of yourself and people rate you on attractiveness, intelligence, trustworthiness etc. Depending on your looks. It's kinda the proof of looks are indeed everything. Being classically good looking is an advantage. A face with masculine and trustworthy features will be better than an ugly face. Shirtless mirror pictures are not good.

  1. Photofeeler Attractive Models
  2. Photofeeler Attractive Girls
  3. Photofeeler Attractive Black

Dogs are cute. Men can be too, depending on who you ask.

But can a dog’s cuteness rub off on the man who stands beside him? This is what we wanted to know. Which brings us to today’s photo battle: Man Alone vs. Man With Dog!

We started by choosing a stock photo of a man with a dog. We created a second version of the photo by cropping the dog out of view.

The test, which was run on Photofeeler, solicited 40 votes on each photo, including female feedback only. We tested them on separate days.

#1 “Man Alone” Result

On Photofeeler, the photo showing the man alone got the following results.




#2 “Man With Dog” Result

On Photofeeler, the photo showing the man and his dog got the following results.

Photofeeler AttractiveAttractive


Photofeeler Attractive Models

Photofeeler attractive models



“Man With Dog” Wins!

Photofeeler Attractive Girls

In conclusion, the photo with the dog included won out big-time! In every category, in fact.

Photofeeler Attractive Black

To run your own test just like this one, simply head on over to